Saturday, June 1, 2024

Duckworth bordered panel quilt

 My local guild passed out preprinted panels to anyone willing to make a quilt for the Linus connection out of it.

I took one and pulled fabrics from my stash to make 4.5" Modified log cabin blocks to use as a border.

Because of the panel proportions, I also pieced two coping strips to add to the panel before adding the border.

Because this quilt turned out so well, I arranged with the challenge coordinators to give it to a 90yo friend of mine - a former quilter who has given away all her quilts and and has become bedridden.

As a part of the arrangement, I agreed to take two more panels to finish and donate to Linus.  One is done but the other is still on the design wall.

I've posted this picture in a Facebook group and received over 400 Likes and 60 comments.   

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