Laundry Basket Quilts publishes a new block everyday. Somedays the directions tell us to make 4 blocks. Often it's 8. One day it was 16!
I've almost stayed caught up. Don't know where it will go when I'm done, but it's been good to focus on something positive.
In this picture, I am showing it to my Bee friends, as we meet in the front yard of one of the members due to the restrictions regarding groups. We bring our own lawn chairs and sit in a large circle and enjoy seeing friends in person.
Update - My friend Marily volunteered to add appliqued borders to this top. We chose fabrics and pattern and she has started the applique.
The Bee is still meeting, this one was in a local park. Social distance, outdoor venue. But still good to be with friends.
The pink quilt that I am showing was sent to my great nephew for his expected baby girl. He still has the remnants of his baby quilt that I made him at least 25 years ago.
Really have enjoyed our Bee meetings and sharing everyone’s quilts! Yours are so inspiring.