Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Blue

The HeartStringsQuiltProject is comprised of quilters who use string-piece methods and create countless charity quilts.  Recently, Cricket told of delivering quilts to the boys at a residential facility in Springfield, MA, and the frustration of not having quite enough quilts for the boys at a second facility.
I admire her generous actions and decided to join in.

Several years ago, I made a top that is made up of rows of traditional blocks with a few wonky ones mixed in.  For some reason, I used only blue fabrics.
Although the top was small, it was a good start.

I made a number of string pieced blocks for a border, using many of the same fabrics as are in the original panel. Originally, I planned to do two rows of them.  However, when the first batch went up on the design wall, I could see that they would overpower the center.  A pale border was added and one row of blocks was added in a zigzag pattern.  My math skills are no longer what they need to be for this kind of work, so a "fudge block" was added in the center of each side.

So here's Big Blue - ready to be packaged up and shipped out.
I'm really liking it and hope that some teenager in Massachusetts will, too.

Thanks to Cricket for inspiration.


  1. It looks great Judy. How nice of you to help out.

  2. Judy, what a wonderful combination of blocks -- love the many blue fabrics, too!

  3. You are someone really special, Judy! And that is a wonderful quilt. It's a lucky kid that will get that quilt.

    I'm glad I inspire you. I've been making and giving quilts, mostly to homeless families, for 18 years (425 quilts) now and it has become somewhat of an obsession. I would like to stop and make a quilt for myself, but somehow, there is always another homeless quilt in the works. You are right that I was disappointed not to have enough for the boys in the second shelter, despite my hard work. Thank you so much for helping me correct that situation. YOU inspire me to continue!

  4. Is this the spawning of a wave of quilts for the boys now after making so many for others? Spread the wealth. Cover the world!

  5. Judy, I am a new member of heartstrings. I've never known a group that is as giving. You all do inspire me to give of my time and what little talent I have left. For I am disabled and can do less and less. Heartstrings has shown me that every little bit can help and be appreciated. The time this quilt must have taken, and the attachment to this quilt you so lovingly and thoughtfuly pieced. Was it difficult to give up? What inspires you? You have my admiration. I am humbled.
