Sunday, May 19, 2024

O'Henry Museum Auction

 As a part of the O'Henry pun-off in Austin, a silent auction is held to benefit the O'Henry museum.  

This year I donated my Yellow Rose quilt; it raised $200.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Art Show in Round Rock

I spent most of the day today showing off my Pfaces with a story at Prete Plaza in Round Rock.  

The  City of Round Rock Arts and Culture department.offers local artists a chance to sell their works periodically by providing canopies and tables and publicity for the event.

There were painters there today and potters and weavers and all kinds of artists.
Lots of people stopped to look at my little quilts and read their stories.
I had a good time.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

I've been busy

 Since joining a new Facebook group, I've been making scrap quilts a la "Duckworth".  

This quilting techniques has been described by Joanne Merrill-Duckworth and it is just what I need right now.

I made my first one in November.   Green, because my green scraps were overflowing their designated drawer.   It will most likely go to one of my sisters great-grandchildren when they graduate from high school.

I've made several since then but have to hunt through my photos to find them.