Sunday, January 29, 2023

Real People

Most of my Faces are totally imaginary, fictitious, and a little off-the-wall.

Lately, I've tried my hand at making some based on friends and family.  

May I introduce Carolyn, Susan, Vicki, Dexter, and Megan:

Carolyn has been my friend for almost fifty years.  She loves to play bridge, drink wine, and is proud to be a Texan.

Her sister Susan published her first novel at the age of 72.  She, too, loves bridge and wine.   She prefers Italy to Texas, however.

Vicki couldn't quit smoking.  Even after her husband died of lung cancer, she couldn't quit smoking.   When she became ill, she refused to move to an assisted living facility because "They won't even let you smoke in your own room!"

Dexter loves to travel.   He works for an airline and goes as many places as he can on his pass.   
When he and a friend went to Vegas, they won $500 in the slots at the airport.
Dexter's cat was happy to see him return home.

Megan is a chameleon.  Her hobby is collecting hobbies.  Her profession morphs regularly.   She is never boring.  

She loves cats, dogs, her husband, and her Mama.   Not necessarily in that order.


Monday, January 23, 2023

 My former neighbor, Marilyn, and I checked out the Fiber exhibit at Texas State University on Saturday.   I was happy to see that the stories had, in fact, been included on each sign.  The signs are not much bigger than a business card, so I was grateful that the stories made it.   

My daughter created a webpage for me and it's simple enough that I can edit many of the elements.