Friday, April 30, 2021


 I've noticed that my piecing skills are not improving.   In fact, they are getting worse.  

Some of this is because of my machine problems - my main machine has been out of commission for many months now.  Some is because of eyesight.   Some is due to plain old carelessness.

At any rate, I've decided to concentrate on making graduation quilts for my great-grandchildren and my sisters grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  As they're done, I will label them and stockpile them in my sewing room closet.

The photo shows one of the two tops that I finished for the T. twins, who are now in their early teens.  The tops are at the long-armers now.

The picture was taken at one of the Pebbles group meetings which we hold out in the park due to the pandemic and social distancing requirements.   We use one of the outdoor pavilions and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine as well as each other's company.