My son-in-law was a musician. He loved to play drums and percussion and to sing. His band didn't have a lot of gigs, but they enjoyed the ones they got and gave a good show. The Special Friends services were particularly rewarding to him - he always came back home smiling from those! He and his band always volunteered to play for the Memorial Day celebration.
Painting was his passion - he painted cars and boats and motorcycles. Flames were his specialty. But he was willing and happy to join in a Painting With a Twist Class from time to time with my daughter and me.
He was active in his church theater productions. He loved dressing up for Halloween, even wearing a Scooby costume one year.
In October, his heart gave out during a surgery due to a foot infection/abcess, which was related to his diabetes. The doctors revived him and kept him breathing for more than two weeks, but he was unable to overcome his many physical problems.
He loved and appreciated my daughter. He gave her wonderful bonus children and grandchildren. Her life has changed so much and so has mine.