Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Quilting challenge

The makers of this fabric intended that the images be cut apart and assembled into a cloth book for a child.   I have no idea when or where I acquired it, but it bubbled up to the top of my unfinished projects pile.

And of course, I have difficulty following directions.  And I'd rather have a quilt than a book.

Soooo, I cut the pictures out and put them up on my design board.   I got out my "chunk box" of miscellaneous pieces of leftover fabric and started picking greens and browns and blues that might play well with dinosaurs.   It was surprising how many I found.

I started framing each of the pictures with random sizes of this fabric. 

Somewhere along the way I noticed the page numbers, which were in little white ovals in the corners.   Acrylic paint to the rescue!

Eventually, I finished with this.   I may keep it for a future gift or I may donate it to the Linus Connection project.